Anticipatory Action Community Directory  

The Anticipation Hub is facilitating connections between practitioners, scientists and policymakers across the anticipatory action community from global to local levels, to support knowledge exchange, learning, guidance and advocacy around anticipatory action.    

The Anticipatory Action Community Directory below can be used to help you to identify individuals working on anticipatory action in similar regional or country contexts, on different hazards and on various thematic focus areas.  Each profile outlines what they are looking for, and what they can offer to the anticipatory action community.  

Please use this directory to connect with potential partners for collaboration and experts that can help to guide or support your work on anticipatory action.

We invite you to add your profile to the community directory!

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Rishi JhaCommunications & Partnerships Consultant

Data Friendly Space

Based in: Italy Get in Contact
  • Regional focus Global
  • Organization type NGO / Civil Society Organisation
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Humanitarian response
    Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
  • Thematic focus Monitoring and evaluation
    Impact-based forecasting
    GIS and mapping
    Data Analysis
    What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?
    • Ensuring robust humanitarian response through modern data architecture
    • Fueling real-time, global responses through SDR and analysis
    • Integrating AI and NLP into enterprise data platforms
    • Providing data analysis and strategy to humanitarian and development community
    View Data Friendly Space website
    What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

    We seek to partner and collaborate with the AH members to build digital applications, provide data analysis and strategy services. We would like to partner with member research organizations/ universities for NLP projects.

    Rolf HernøHead of Emergencies

    CARE Denmark

    Based in: Denmark Get in Contact
    • Regional focus East Africa
      Southeastern Asia
      West Africa
      South Asia
    • Organization type NGO / Civil Society Organisation
    • Field(s) of work Humanitarian response
      Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
      Climate change adaptation
    • Thematic focus Capacity development/ training
      Food security
      Early warning systems
      Disaster displacement
    • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
      Multiple hydro-met hazards
    What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

    As a newcomer to the field, I am mainly in for the learning and sharing.

    View CARE Denmark website
    What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

    Learning through exchanges with practitioners and sharing of good practices

    Shanna McClainManager: Global Partnerships, Risk Reduction & Resilience, Socio-Economic Assessments


    Based in: USA Get in Contact
    • Countries Marshall Islands
      United States
    • Regional focus Global
    • Organization type Government
    • Field(s) of work Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
      Climate change adaptation
    • Thematic focus Advocacy & policy
      Earth observation
    • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
    What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

    Bilateral exchange, mentoring, guidance.

    View NASA website
    What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

    Bilateral exchange, opportunities for partnership/collaboration, training.

    Sören SchneiderResearch Associate

    Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV)

    Based in: Germany Get in Contact
    • Regional focus Global
    • Organization type Research institute / scientific agency
    • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
      Humanitarian response
      Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
    • Thematic focus Capacity development/ training
      Disaster displacement
    • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
    What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

    Jointly with other actors, we seek to facilitate training on different aspects related to anticipatory action and to integrate existing initiatives into a structured and certified learning program.

    View IFHV website
    What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

    I am interested in gaps in research, learning, knowledge management and training as well as exploring synergies and collaboration with existing training and capactiy strengthening initiatives.

    Do you have a question or a suggestion?

    Please reach out to Marius with any questions or suggestions.

    Marius Horata

    Content Manager

    Anticipation Hub

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