Anticipatory Action Community Directory  

The Anticipation Hub is facilitating connections between practitioners, scientists and policymakers across the anticipatory action community from global to local levels, to support knowledge exchange, learning, guidance and advocacy around anticipatory action.    

The Anticipatory Action Community Directory below can be used to help you to identify individuals working on anticipatory action in similar regional or country contexts, on different hazards and on various thematic focus areas.  Each profile outlines what they are looking for, and what they can offer to the anticipatory action community.  

Please use this directory to connect with potential partners for collaboration and experts that can help to guide or support your work on anticipatory action.

We invite you to add your profile to the community directory!

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Md. SalauddinProject Support Officer

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

Based in: Bangladesh Get in Contact
  • Countries Bangladesh
  • Regional focus South Asia
  • Organization type Red Cross Red Crescent
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
  • Thematic focus Disaster risk financing
    Early warning systems
    Impact-based forecasting
    Earth observation
    GIS and mapping
  • Hazard(s) Cyclone/ typhoon/ hurricane
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

I am involved in Forecast-based Financing/Action (FbF/A) in Bangladesh for last two years. During last two years I have experienced two real time EAP activation. After joining BDRCS I have been working on Trigger and Threshold part (Technical) and some part of Programme development. I have experience in developing trigger analysis model in GIS which may reduce our time to analyze the Impact-based Forecasting very faster. I was also responsible for data collection and analysis part. I am available for bi-lateral training/guidance in GIS and Data.

View BDRCS website
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

I would be happy if someone is available to help me to learn the below mentioned knowledge:

  • Programming language (python)
  • Google Earth Engine
  • Earth Observation/Remote Sensing
  • Disaster Risk Management Policies and Practice
  • Climate Change Adaptation Programming
Melanie OgleFbF Capacity Strengthening Snr Off


Based in: Hungary Get in Contact
  • Regional focus Global
  • Organization type Red Cross Red Crescent
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Humanitarian response
  • Thematic focus Capacity development/ training
    Disaster displacement
    Gender/ Gender-based violence
  • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

I’m passionate about shifting the paradigm from response to acting early, so am keen to collaborate on learning and knowledge products. Reach out if you are keen to sharing and co creating ideas.

View IFRC website
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Since I am still new to the anticipatory space, I am looking to learn! I am interested in new developments on the anticipatory horizon, including anticipatory action in fragile and conflict settings, work on epidemics and pandemics, multi hazard and cascading risks, learning and accountability. I am keen to also understand more of the science behind early action, using forecasts, particularly impact-based forecasts, and how triggers are set. I am totally up for exchanges, training and mentoring, and hope that we can explore the anticipatory action agenda together.

Michelle van den BergAnticipatory Action Advisor


Based in: Netherlands Get in Contact
  • Regional focus Global
  • Organization type NGO / Civil Society Organisation
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Humanitarian response
    Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
  • Thematic focus Early warning systems
    Impact-based forecasting
    Shock-responsive social protection
    Cash/ vouchers/ cash-for-work
  • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
    Cyclone/ typhoon/ hurricane
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

Exchange on programmatic experience of locally-led and community-driven anticiptory action. Available for bilateral exchange.

What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Exchange of experience from other (types of) actors, and engagement on scaling up meaningful locally-led and community-driven anticipatory action.

Milli CooperCrisis Anticipation and Risk Financing Partnerships Technical Advisor

Start Network

Based in: UK Get in Contact
  • Countries Bangladesh
  • Regional focus Global
  • Organization type NGO / Civil Society Organisation
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Humanitarian response
    Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
  • Thematic focus Disaster risk financing
    Early warning systems
    Impact-based forecasting
    GIS and mapping
  • Hazard(s) Cyclone/ typhoon/ hurricane
    El Niño/ La Niña
    Epidemics/ Pandemics
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

Can offer the opportunity to join the Global Forecast-based Warning, Analysis and Response Network, including connections with experts, scientists and humanitarian practitioners.

View Start Network website
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Looking for risk analysts interested in improving early humanitarian action, and willing to share knowledge, experiences, and learning.

Do you have a question or a suggestion?

Please reach out to Marius with any questions or suggestions.

Marius Horata

Content Manager

Anticipation Hub

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