Financing mechanisms for anticipatory action
One of the key components of anticipatory action is the availability of funding to implement those actions, that will mitigate and reduce the impact of disasters on vulnerable communities when a disaster is imminent, prior to a shock or before acute impacts are felt.
Find out more about the different financing mechanisms that exist for anticipatory action.
Having ex-ante funding instruments in place is one of the pillars - alongside triggers and planning - that guarantees the delivery of humanitarian assistance in the short window between a forecast and the impact of an extreme event. Having access to a multilateral financial mechanism which guarantees resources allows actors on the ground to make robust plans and enables them to act quickly and confidently to fulfil their role in preventing human suffering before a disaster happens.
The configuration of the funding instruments, their coverage and focus vary according to the different organizations’ mandate, their structure, and their approach to anticipatory action. Although many organizations have their own funding mechanism for early action, there is effective coordination at national level and global level, which promotes data sharing and trigger monitoring among them, leading to coordinated implementation of anticipatory actions and ultimately a more efficient use of resources.
This page presents some of the financial mechanisms that are currently in place to support anticipatory action around the world (list will be extended soon).
“Financing alone cannot offer solutions to current crises or reduce future risks. But financing is a crucial part of the solution and has a unique potential to help reshape the way the world prepares for and responds to crises.”
The Future of Crisis Financing: A Call to Action, by Center for Disaster Protection
Read more here.