Anticipatory Action Community Directory  

The Anticipation Hub is facilitating connections between practitioners, scientists and policymakers across the anticipatory action community from global to local levels, to support knowledge exchange, learning, guidance and advocacy around anticipatory action.    

The Anticipatory Action Community Directory below can be used to help you to identify individuals working on anticipatory action in similar regional or country contexts, on different hazards and on various thematic focus areas.  Each profile outlines what they are looking for, and what they can offer to the anticipatory action community.  

Please use this directory to connect with potential partners for collaboration and experts that can help to guide or support your work on anticipatory action.

We invite you to add your profile to the community directory!

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Mirianna BudimirSenior DRR Advisor

Practical Action Consulting UK

Based in: United Kingdom Get in Contact
  • Countries Nepal
  • Regional focus Global
    South America
    South Asia
  • Organization type NGO / Civil Society Organisation
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
  • Thematic focus Advocacy & policy
    Early warning systems
    Gender/ Gender-based violence
  • Hazard(s) Cyclone/ typhoon/ hurricane
    Extreme rainfall
    Multiple hydro-met hazards
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

Consultancy work including: research, capacity building, improving systems, scoping, assessment of early warning systems, recommendations, advocacy, knowledge exchange and facilitation.

What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Learning from others best practice and lessons, sharing our learning, partnerships and collaboration.

Mohamed MussieProgramme policy officer

World Food Programme

Based in: Ethiopia Get in Contact
  • Countries Ethiopia
  • Regional focus East Africa
  • Organization type United Nations
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Humanitarian response
    Climate change adaptation
  • Thematic focus Capacity development/ training
    Food security
    Early warning systems
    GIS and mapping
    Cash/ vouchers/ cash-for-work
  • Hazard(s) Conflict
    El Niño/ La Niña
    Multiple hydro-met hazards
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Lessons learned and best practices, capacity building, mentoring

What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

Experience and best practices. Available for bilateral exchange, mentoring

Natalie AcostaRegional Communications Officer

German Red Cross

Based in: Honduras Get in Contact
  • Countries Argentina
    Costa Rica
  • Regional focus South America
    Central America
  • Organization type Red Cross Red Crescent
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Humanitarian response
    Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
  • Thematic focus Advocacy & policy
    Capacity development/ training
    Digital Community Engagement & Accountability
  • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
    Cyclone/ typhoon/ hurricane
    El Niño/ La Niña
    Volcanic ash
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

Available for bilateral exchange, mentoring and training.

What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Training and Bilateral exchange.

Nazira LacayoSenior Officer DREF Forecast-based Action


Based in: Switzerland Get in Contact
  • Regional focus Global
  • Organization type Red Cross Red Crescent
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Humanitarian response
  • Thematic focus Disaster risk financing
  • Hazard(s) Cyclone/ typhoon/ hurricane
    Volcanic ash
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Interested in connecting directly with National Societies that are implementing anticipatory action in the field. Want to hear about practical issues they face when developing their early action plans and how we can adapt to serve them better.

What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

I’m happy to provide guidance for Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies who are interested to learn about the IFRC’S funding mechanisms for early action and early response (FbA by the DREF and DREF).

View IFRC website

Do you have a question or a suggestion?

Please reach out to Marius with any questions or suggestions.

Marius Horata

Content Manager

Anticipation Hub

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