Working groups

There are thematic working groups around the world supporting focused exchange across sectors and organizations on anticipatory action. Get involved! Contact the focal points of these working groups to find out more. 

Do you know of any working groups that are not listed here or have an idea for a new working group?  

Get in touch via

We are very happy to promote existing working groups and see how the Anticipation Hub can help initiate new working groups.  

Regional – Africa

Regional Anticipatory Action Working Group (RAAWG)

This Regional Technical Working Group (RTWG) on Forecast based financing aims to promote a regional approach and platform for knowledge sharing, cooperation and peer-to-peer learning in Southern Africa. It will facilitate information sharing, coordination and joint advocacy, and help collate evidence from global initiatives, support the development of a mainstreamed anticipation agenda and align standards, while also increasing investment and political momentum to drive the ongoing shift towards anticipation. 

Membership - this WG is split into two tiers:

  1. Focuses on Red Cross Red Crescent movement
  2. Focuses on external actors including governments and technical experts. 



World Food Programme


Contact point:

Jurg wilbrink,

Anna Lena Huhn,

Quraishia Merzouk,


View the ToR here and the roadmap here.

The main purpose of the group is to meet (virtually & physically) periodically to discuss and share ongoing initiatives, lessons learned & best practices, current developments and future trends in relation to mainstreaming climate change into Red Cross/ Red Crescent programmes in the region. The group will also explore the possibilities of providing technical support to sister National Societies in the region through existing mechanisms to progress on Climate Change and resilience agenda, including support to mainstream CCA in to sectoral programmes such as Health, Shelter, WASH, Livelihood, Logistics & Supply Chain, PMER and Policies/Advocacy etc.


Red Cross Red Crescent movement and technical experts.



Climate Centre  


Bettina Koelle,

Jurg Wilbrink,

View the ToR's here.


Eastern Africa Forecast based Financing (FBF) Technical working Group

This working group supports the National Societies to develop their Early Action Protocols and to systematically integrate Forecast based Actions, preparedness, DRR and climate change actions into their programmes, policies and strategies. It also promotes collaboration and synergies among the Red Cross Partners and provides platform to discuss and share ongoing initiatives, lessons learned & best practices, on current developments and future trends in relation to mainstreaming anticipatory action. It also supports advocacy to external partners within the region.


Red Cross Red Crescent movement


IFRC East Africa Cluster  


Irene Amuron:

Jurg Wilbrink:

View ToRs here.

Africa wide Forecast based Financing (FbF) Coordination Cell group

This group facilitates coordination, promotes dialogue, joint learning and exchanges among the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement on Forecast Based Financing mechanism implementation and Early Action Protocol development. It also reviews ongoing initiatives and developments on Anticipatory Action in the region to share lesson learnt and best practices, and support policy and advocacy. The group also provides technical support to National Societies.


Red Cross Red Crescent movement, non-RCRC actors invited on a guest basis.


IFRC Africa Regional Office  

Contact point:

Phoebe Wafubwa Shikuku,

View ToRs here.

The Eastern Africa regional technical working group on Anticipatory Action (RTWGAA) was established by IGAD together with partners in 2023 with the aim to provide coordinated platform to guide and lead harmonization of national approaches to AA by various stakeholders. The RTWGAA meets quarterly with IGAD and WFP as the chair and co-chair respectively.  The mandate of the working group is in line with the developed strategic roadmap on AA.
The RTWGAA sub-working groups support the implementation of the six pillars of regional AA roadmap, as well as keep track of progress, new information, needs and emerging issues, and provide strategic and technical guidance in their thematic areas.

Lead and Co-leads:

IGAD: George Otieno

WFP: Maurine Ambani

Read more about the technical working group here.

Regional - MENA

The main objective of this MENA region anticipatory action Community of Practice is to establish a space for technical and advocacy coordination, collaboration and learning exchange and capacity strengthening on anticipatory action and acting earlier ahead of disasters in the region. It will bring together key actors to work together to ensure an effective and coordinated efforts to scale up anticipatory action in the region.

Find out more about the Community of Practice in English or in Arabic.

Regional - Latin America

Regional WGs on Early Action Protocols for different hazards in Latin America  

Tropical cyclones  

Droughts CA

Volcanic Ash  

Flash Floods  


German Red Cross

Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre  

Contact point:

Mathieu de Strooper,


Regional - Asia-Pacific

The Asia-Pacific Technical Working Group on Anticipatory Action facilitates knowledge-sharing across the region and informs the development of coherent technical tools, training materials and joint advocacy messages.

It has four main objectives:

  1. National and regional coordination
  2. Knowledge-sharing
  3. Capacity building and training
  4. Fostering partnerships 


International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and its Partner National Societies and Reference Centres

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Contact points

Raymond Zingg, regional forecast-based financing coordinator, IFRC Asia-Pacific Regional Office

Catherine Jones, anticipatory action lead for Asia and the Pacific, FAO

Read more about the Technical Working Group here.


The National FOREWARN projects are multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder networks of aid professionals, humanitarians, academics and risk experts, organised to support early action in the way that most makes sense in the local context. 

Since 2019, Bangladesh, Madagascar, Pakistan, and the Philippines have established national FOREWARN projects. Through these projects, Start Network members can engage hazard experts in collaborative anticipation work. All National FOREWARN projects are hosted by Start Network members.

Read more about the Bangladesh project here.

Read more about FOREWARN here


Start Network members and wider stakeholders. All expert members of National FOREWARNs are also members of the global expert pool.





