Building National Capacities for Climate Forecast-based Financing in Niger

The goal of the project is to increase the ability of national capacities and systems to use climate forecasts for a more anticipatory approach to address agricultural drought risk, in order to minimize its damages on local communities and avoid the occurrence of a humanitarian disaster.    

Key facts

Start/end date     

02.09.2019 - 31.12.2022

Hazards covered    


Regions covered    

Commune de Dogo, in the department of Mirriah from Zinder region

Early action sectors     

Food Security

Anticipatory Action Protocols/Plans in place    

Under development



Population reached during activation

Not yet defined

Key actors/implementing partners   

Croix Rouge Nigerienne | WFP | FAO | Le Dispositif National de Prévention de Gestion des Crises Alimentaires (DNPGCA) | la Direction de la Météorologie Nationale (DMN) | le Centre Régional AGRHYMET (Institution interpays)

Anticipation in practice: Project description

WFP Niger is collaborating with government stakeholders such as the National Framework for the Prevention and the Management of Food Crises (DNPGCA), the AGHRYMET Regional Centre (CRA) and the National Meteorological Agency (DMN) on the development of a forecast-based financing (FbF) system for drought. The objective is to increase the capacity of national stakeholders to use climate forecasts for a more anticipatory approach, to address agricultural drought risk, in order to minimize its damages on local communities and avoid the occurrence of a humanitarian disaster.  Specifically, this includes support on planning and decision-making at both national and sub-national levels for preparedness, anticipatory action and better management of climate risks to reduce small-holder farmers’ vulnerability- in terms of food security and livelihoods- to climate change.

The FbF project is being implemented in Dogo, situated in the Zinder Region which is highly affected by high food insecurity levels and recurrent drought. Moreover, Dogo is a commune of convergence (C2C)9, which provides an exciting opportunity to test a multi-sectoral and multi-partner approach to mitigating drought impacts on the main livelihoods of the target population (i.e. agriculture and livestock).   


Mariama Nouhou



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