Anticipatory Action in Complex Crises: Lessons from Ethiopia

This study examines how anticipatory action was perceived and experienced among Ethiopians living with drought alongside other crises. These include the 2020–22 conflict in Tigray, local conflicts in several regions, a recent locust invasion, and escalations of Al-Shabaab terrorist attacks in the Somali Region. The findings play an important role in confirming the initial assumptions that led to the intervention design, namely that the biggest challenge for drought-affected people is reduced food consumption and the loss of livelihoods. Findings also illustrate that the anticipatory action received in many cases had a positive impact on quality of life; however, this impact was likely shortlived. 

This report was originally published on the Feinstein International Center website.

Publish Date

December 21, 2023

Resource Type

PDF, 4.32 MB


Evan Easton-Calabria, Abdirahman Ahmed, Dawud Mohamed and Aarti Singh







Content Type

Research Report

Organization type

Academic & Research Institutions


Conflict, Drought, Insect infestation