Anticipatory Cash Working Group
Did you know that 78% of active Anticipatory Action (AA) frameworks in 2023 included cash and voucher assistance (CVA)? (Source: Global Overview Report 2023, Anticipation Hub)
With cash transfers playing such a central role in anticipatory action, the Anticipatory Cash - Working Group (ACWG) has been established to bring together CVA and AA specialists to support related learning and collaboration.
The purpose of the Anticipatory Cash Working Group is to:
Contribute to scaling up and enhancing the effectiveness of anticipatory cash
Support improved design, cross-learning and capacity building
Facilitate stakeholder collaboration between CVA and AA practitioners
The specific objectives of ACWG, which are detailed in full in the ToR (see “Guiding documents” below) are summarised as follows:
a) Support improved technical design and operational implementation of anticipatory actions providing cash assistance.
- Collect, collate, organize and share relevant documentation, including through a searchable online repository
- Support the analysis and use of collective learning and evidence
- Collaboratively develop or contribute to the development of anticipatory cash resources
- Support the identification of evidence and research priorities and gaps
- Support efforts to advocate for greater investment in anticipatory cash and share information on funding opportunities
b) Foster and strengthen collaborative exchanges and ways of working between stakeholders involved in designing and implementing anticipatory cash assistance.
- Facilitate interactive discussion and exchanges on anticipatory cash
- Encourage collaboration between agencies and projects to facilitate better complementarity, coherence and shared objectives
- Support and encourage linkages between Cash Working Groups (CWGs) and existing AA groups, providing technical advice where capacity allows
- Support collaboration between international, national and local actors
- Facilitate learning and exchange on developing joined-up approaches to social protection and anticipatory cash, as well as post-shock delivery of CVA
- Support engagement with financial and other relevant private sector service providers
c) Support wider learning and capacity development for stakeholders engaged or interested in the use of anticipatory cash
- Provide a platform for wider learning and dissemination through the organisation of events showcasing research, programming, guidance, tools and perspectives
- Support the collation of relevant capacity building courses and materials, and opportunities to incorporate AA in CVA capacity building materials, and vice versa
To facilitate the engagement of a range of stakeholders with differing availability and interest, a structure is proposed with both an Anticipatory Cash - Working Group (ACWG), and a broader Anticipatory Cash Community (ACC). See the diagram below for more information.
To join the Anticipatory Cash Working Group and/or Community, and to let us know more about your priorities on this topic, complete the survey, or email us:
Anita Auerbach, Anticipation Hub Global Advisor / Anticipation Unit Technical Manager, German Red Cross.
Celine Sinitzky, CALP Network
Jose Jodar Vidal, NORCAP / CashCap
Ruth McCormack, CALP Network
Core group:
Chiara Mellucci, FAO
Dan Quinn, GiveDirectly
Federico Barreras, GiveDirectly
Ishaku Mshelia, Cash and Voucher Advisor, Office of Emergency and Resilience, FAO
Lisa Williams, Anticipation & CVA Manager, American Red Cross
Marie Wagner, Anticipatory Humanitarian Action Advisor at Welthungerhilfe (WHH)
Osborne Sibande, Anticipatory Action Programme Manager, World Food Programme (WFP)
Urbe Secades, Anticipatory Action Programme Manager, World Food Programme (WFP)
Vlad Cozma, NORCAP/ CashCap
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Let us know more about your priorities on this topic by completing our challenges and priorities survey
Open the surveyResources
- CALP CVA CoP Anticipatory Cash Webinar and Resources
- Anticipatory action and cash transfers for slow-onset hazards: Practitioners’ note for field testing
- Anticipatory action and cash transfers for rapid-onset hazards: Practitioners’ note for field testing
- Regional and national cash working group contact details