Scoping the cash and climate landscape in East Africa and Kenya: focusing on cash and anticipatory action
NORCAP’s CashCap and Climate action teams undertook a joint East Africa regional and Kenya country level scoping mission about the potential of cash in anticipatory action to climate-related shocks.
The main objective was to: Analyse the needs, capacity and adequacy for the CashCap and Climate Action portfolios to provide quality support to the stakeholders supporting preparedness and anticipatory action, in response to climate related crises, at East Africa regional and/or national level in Kenya, and in alignment with NORCAP’s strategy 2022-2024.
Key findings and recommendations include:
- Climate prediction as a pivotal aspect to be strengthened.
- NORCAP, with its technical, neutral, operational expertise, could play a key broker role in the East Africa region cash and anticipatory action/early action space at both systemic and operational level.
- Anticipatory action and early action are priorities at both regional and national level.
- Combined effort from cash assistance and climate services lens is required for effective anticipatory action and early action in the region.
Resource Type
PDF, 1.11 MB
Content Type
Cash & Voucher, Early Action
Organization type