Report on the 2nd National Dialogue on Anticipatory Action in Nepal

The 2nd National Dialogue on Anticipatory Action in Nepal was convened with the goal of cultivating a forward-thinking approach to disaster risk management, one that is firmly rooted in proactive measures rather than reactive responses. The Dialogue offered practitioners a platform to showcase their good practices, exchange experiences and lessons based on concrete examples and to inform the policy direction to be taken for Anticipatory Action (AA) in Nepal. This gathering follows the success of the 1st National Dialogue on AA held in 2022 and serves as a key event for the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR).

The event proceeding report serves as a testament to the rich discussions that ensued during the dialogue. It not only provides a comprehensive documentation of the meaningful discourse that transpired but also lays out key action points that emerged from it, charting a path towards a shared vision on AA for the coming year.

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