Early Action: The State of Play 2021

Launched in March 2022, the Early Action: The State of Play 2021 report provides a snapshot of early warning early action commitment, investment and activity over the previous year. It gives decision-makers top-line analysis that identifies gaps and opportunities in the delivery of early action, and supports the broader goal of a systemic shift towards acting ahead of disasters, which is critical for effective climate action.

Due to the rapid changes in the field of early warning early action, the report looks back over a 12-month period and the recommendations it offers are relevant for the following 12 months. For this first report in the series, the horizon for review has been extended to cover 2020 and 2021.

The analysis and recommendations in Early Action: The State of Play 2021 are complemented by the Anticipatory Action: The Enabling Environment summary report.

Publish Date

March 28, 2022

Resource Type

PDF, 4.03 MB


Risk-informed Early Action Partnership



Content Type



Early Action, Risk

Organization type

Red Cross Red Crescent Movement