Training in inclusive, gender-responsible anticipatory action for ASEAN Member States: a call for collaborators
A training module on inclusive, gender-responsible anticipatory action for effective disaster preparedness is being developed for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The main objective is to support ASEAN Member States in strengthening anticipatory action and mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion.
A consortium comprising CARE International, Plan International and World Vision International is developing this training module as part of an ECHO-funded project; they also support the people-centred implementation of the AADMER as members of its partnership group. The training module will be designed in consultation with the Asia-Pacific regional technical working group on anticipatory action.
Once completed, it will support the implementation of ASEAN’s Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme 2021-2025. In particular, it will contribute to the AADMER priority programme 2 on prevention and mitigation, supporting the achievement of outcome 2.1. on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, and outcome 2.5. on vulnerable groups and community-based disaster risk management.
Call for collaboration
The development process, which started in March 2022 and will be completed by September 2022, is being supported by consultants at different stages (desk review, consultation, content development, piloting, finalization, launch). This approach aims to generate lessons and insights from a range of experts in the field, in order to consolidate the technical inputs and ensure the final training module is effective and useful.

The consortium welcomes inputs and guidance from Anticipation Hub partners, especially members of the protection, gender and inclusion working group. If you are interested in contributing, please send your questions to:
Ms. Bevita Dwi Meidityawati, consortium focal point:
Ms. Wannobon Khuan-arch, regional project coordinator: