Submitted by Anticipation Hub
7 May 2024

The Anticipation Hub publishes its second overview of anticipatory action worldwide

The Anticipation Hub has published the second report in its series that captures the scale of anticipatory action worldwide. Anticipatory Action in 2023: A Global Overview summarizes the data submitted by partners and other organizations active in this sector to demonstrate how anticipatory action approaches are progressing in different countries.  

The data in this report, which covers the year 2023, shows several encouraging trends when compared with the figures from 2022:  

  • There were 107 active anticipatory action frameworks in place in 2023, an increase of 37 compared to 2022. 
  • The anticipatory actions undertaken reached almost 12.8 million people – a significant rise from 3.6 million people in 2022 – and these actions were supported by financing worth 198 million US dollars. 
  • There was a 37 per cent increase in the number of frameworks under development during 2023, with 133 new frameworks being set up in 68 countries and for 19 different hazards.

“We are proud to launch the Anticipation Hub’s second global overview report, which presents some very encouraging trends. The report shows an upwards trend in the implementation of anticipatory action in 2023, with US$ 198 million of funding released reaching 12.8 million people. However, with nearly 282 million people in 59 countries experiencing high levels of acute hunger, we need more fuel money to do more anticipatory action."

Alessandra Gilotta Head of the Anticipation Hub

Acting in anticipation of an increasing range of hazards 

As well as presenting the data from projects and practitioners worldwide, the report highlights some of the most significant trends witnessed during 2023. These include the impact of El Niño in many countries, and the encouraging progress seen in government-led anticipatory action. There was also evidence of anticipatory action being applied and tested for a growing range of hazards and crises. One of these was population movement, with Honduras seeing the first anticipatory action framework for this crisis approved in 2023. 

As with the first edition, the report looking at 2023 was launched at Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week in Geneva, Switzerland, on 7 May 2024. Anyone interested in the report’s findings will have a further opportunity to discuss these during an online community conversation on 4 June 2024.  

Over 60 people contributed to this year’s report, providing data about their organization’s work in anticipatory action, or providing updates on the major themes that occurred during 2023. The report was supported financially by Germany’s Federal Foreign Office. 

The report, and the data used and the individual figures, are available to download from the Anticipation Hub website.

Photo: Martha Fuentes, a Honduran Red Cross volunteer, interviews a participant of the EAP activation for drought to learn about the impacts of the anticipatory actions that the National Society promoted. © German Red Cross/Natalie Acosta