The Anticipation Hub joins the Risk-informed Early Action Partnership
The Anticipation Hub is excited to now be a member of the Risk-informed Early Action Partnership (REAP). We share its ambition to make 1 billion people safer from disasters and will contribute towards achieving REAP’s targets.

The Anticipation Hub is committed to capturing synergies between achieving REAP targets and realising the Strategic Priorities of the Anticipation Hub. In particular we are excited to collaborate closely with REAP to achieve our third Strategic Priority on promoting and sustaining policy and advocacy to mainstream anticipatory action within and beyond the humanitarian sector. REAP can assist in providing vital connections and exchange between the humanitarian, climate and development sectors and build the global momentum needed to collectively inform and guide policies, programmes and investments in early action.
The REAP Secretariat is already a partner of the Anticipation Hub and we have been collaborating in multiple areas of mutual interest. We look forward to continuing this in the future to enhance knowledge exchange, learning and advocacy on early action. To draw in on some examples, we are:
- Co-chairing the Sectoral Community “Linking Risk Financing & Anticipatory Action” hosted by the InsuResilience Global Partnership
- Participating in REAP working groups to capture synergies and integrate outputs into Anticipation Hub’s platform
- Collaborating on advocacy at high-level dialogues and events including, the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week and ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment and COP26.
- Supporting joint knowledge exchange and regional advocacy for anticipatory action - for example at the Southern Africa Dialogue Platform and upcoming Africa Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action.
Furthermore, the Anticipation Hub and REAP developed a short explainer document to provide an overview of how we relate and collaborate - read here.
We warmly welcome this opportunity to further formalise the collaboration between REAP and the Anticipation Hub - together we can have a greater impact on knowledge exchange and advocacy - to scale up anticipatory action to those who need it the most.
REAP is delighted to welcome the Anticipation Hub to the partnership. The Hub plays a vital role in bringing practitioners together to learn and exchange. We aim to provide a platform that will help take these approaches to scale, making anticipatory action the norm rather than the exception and protecting more communities from climate extremes.