Grand Bargain caucus on anticipatory action closes with commitments on financing, tracking and coordination

In 2023, Grand Bargain signatories agreed to prioritize the scaling up of anticipatory action as part of the Grand Bargain 3.0. Under the leadership of Grand Bargain Ambassador Michael Koehler, a core-group of interested signatories, including key donors and implementing agencies, launched a “caucus” to discuss the way forward. With the formal endorsement of the outcome document,  this caucus has now come to a formal end. With the adoption of the document signatories agreed

  1. to substantially increase funding for anticipatory action, especially fuel funding
  2. track fuel and build funding and
  3. improve coordination.

More specifically, donors are encouraged to spend at least 5% of humanitarian funding for anticipatory action. Implementing agencies, in turn, commit to increase transparency and coordinate for collective anticipatory action through existing coordination structures. The Anticipation Hub supported the process in a technical advisory role and has been mandated by the Grand Bargain as the reporting entity for tracking the fuel and build funding for anticipatory action and progress around anticipatory action. Follow-up conversations will be held this year to translate these commitments into reality.

As the only platform that brings together donors, UN organisations, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, and both international and local/national NGOs, the Grand Bargain is uniquely positioned to drive the necessary political changes required to address the challenges of insufficient coordination and funding.

For more information on the Grand Bargain outcome document, please visit the Grand Bargain Website.

The adoption of the outcome document by the Grand Bargain signatories in December 2024 marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to scale up anticipatory action and address the challenges of insufficient funding and coordination in humanitarian action. By agreeing to substantially increase funding for anticipatory action, set clear tracking mechanisms for fuel and build funding, and enhance coordination through existing structures, signatories are laying the groundwork for a more proactive and effective humanitarian system. As Anticipation Hub and designated reporting entity we will ensure robust tracking of progress and accountability, providing the basis to sustain momentum and allow for critical conversations.

Alessandra Gilotta Head of the Anticipation Hub