Submitted by Madhab Uprety, Technical Adviser, Asia | Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
14 Apr 2021

Delivering Training on Impact-based Forecasting in Nepal

Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (RCCC) and UK Met Office (UKMO) jointly delivered a training on “Impact-based Forecasting for Early Action'' from March 23-25, 2021 in Nepal. The training was designed and developed under Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC) Programme and organized in joint collaboration with National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) and Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) Nepal.

The image shows a group of people posing for a group picture
training on “Impact-based Forecasting for Early Action'' from March 23-25, 2021 in Nepal, Source: RCCC and UKMO

The training modules builds on the IBF guide launched by RCCC and UK Met Office last year. Each session focused on 1 or 2 chapters of the guide, including interactive activities and subsequent group work assignment allowing participants to apply concepts and lesson learnings to their specific country context. Training was completely residential, however there were several plenary presentations delivered remotely by the training team via virtual communication platform (Microsoft Teams) and video presentation during the training. This hybrid training brought together several government officials from the  National Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Authority (NDRRMA), Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), several sectoral ministries and departments (Health, Urban, Environment, Agriculture, Irrigation, Roads), Media representatives and Nepal Red Cross representatives. Also, the officials from nine district administration and three provinces, where the impact-based forecasting (IBF) service will be piloted in the first phase, were also trained, and equipped with the necessary knowledge and understanding on their roles in the IBF pilot process. Following up on the training, more specialised local engagements and co-production workshops are being planned for coming months, with an aim to set up the pilot IBF service in the country before the 2021 monsoon.


For more information contact Madhab Uprety, Technical Adviser, Asia | Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

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