Committing to collaboration and harmonization

The 2nd Southern Africa Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action commenced on Tuesday, August 13th. This year, approximately 155 participants gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa. During the opening session, Dr. Patrice Talla, FAO Subregional Coordinator for Southern Africa, representing the Regional Anticipatory Action Working Group, highlighted the significance of the event.

The central theme of this year’s platform was “El Niño Insight: Southern Africa Anticipation After Action Review”. Other speakers during the opening session recognized the region’s achievements over the past few years and emphasized the importance of interagency collaboration in advancing and scaling up Anticipatory Action.

The work of the Southern Africa Regional Anticipatory Action Working Group and the Anticipation Hub ais so important and why occasions such as the Dialogue Platforms and discussions among governments, donors and humanitarian actors are crucial. Germany is happy and remains committed to support the work of the Anticipation Hub since its creation in 2019. We invite everyone to join the Hub and the RAAWG and use these platforms for close collaboration building on each stakeholder’s strengths.

Marten Menger First Secretary, Cultural & Political Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Pretoria, South Africa

Reflecting on the El Niño Anticipation After Action Review

On the first day, government representatives from Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe provided an overview of the El Niño Anticipatory Action Activations in their respective countries. They discussed both challenges and successes, underscoring the critical need for collaboration among agencies, organizations, and governments.

Moving forwards and preparing for the future

The second day featured technical expert sessions on Early Warning, Anticipatory Action, Financing, and Innovation. These topics were explored in-depth during four breakout sessions, where various stakeholders analysed challenges and opportunities, culminating in the development of joint messages and commitments.

The third and final day saw high-level participants from SADC Member States, donors, and agencies in attendance. During the SADC Member States Panel Discussion, strategic priorities for Institutionalized Anticipatory Action Systems were deliberated. Representatives shared their experiences from the last El Niño activation and outlined their preparedness plans for La Niña. Following this, high-level representatives from FAO, WMO, IFRC, and OCHA reaffirmed their commitment to scaling up Anticipatory Action and enhancing collaboration.

Another highlight of the final day was the announcement by Marcia Toledo Sotillo, Adaptation and Resilience Director and High-Level Climate Champion, of the selection of the Regional Anticipatory Action Working Group as a partner initiative in the global *Race to Resilience* campaign.