5th Africa Dialogue Platform: application for in-person attendance
The 5th Africa Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action will take place from 28-30 June 2022. This will be a hybrid event, with participants joining the event in Nairobi, Kenya, as well as online. There will also be a studio for presenters in Johannesburg, South Africa. The concept note for this event is available here.
Our venue in Nairobi will be the ICPAC headquarters. As spaces are limited, however, we are asking people to indicate their interest in attending the event in person. Please note that we cannot guarantee a place for everyone who applies; we advise that you do not make any travel arrangements until you have received confirmation of a place at the in-person event.
This form is to register your interest in attending. We will confirm if you have been allocated a place at the venue as soon as possible. If your application is successful, you will still need to formally register for the event.
If your application is not successful, you will still be able to actively participate in the 5th Africa Dialogue Platform through the many online sessions.