Anticipation Hub Mingle: Connecting Hydro-Meteorological and Humanitarian actors for Scaling-up Anticipatory Action
What can you expect at the Mingle?
A fun and friendly networking event connecting National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) and humanitarian actors to exchange knowledge and spark new ideas to collaborate on anticipatory action.
This is a great opportunity to network with other Anticipation Hub partners, learn about existing initiatives and discuss opportunities for enhancing synergies between NMHS/ hydro-met and humanitarian actors to scale up anticipatory action.
The format of the session will include:
- Welcome and brief introduction to draft advocacy key messages*(5mins)
- Profile pitches by 3 ‘Minglers’ (10 mins)
- Mingle breakouts (shuffled into small groups of 3-4 people for 5 mins and rotate) (30 mins)
- Partner reflections on mingle discussion and opportunities ahead (10 mins)
- Wrap up and next steps for feedback on advocacy messages (5 mins)
Who are our ‘Minglers’?
- Ms. Julia Chasco, Head of Meteorology and Society, National Meteorological Service Argentina (SMN)
- Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan (Saju) Assistant Director & Project Coordinator, FBF Project, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Office (BDRCS)
- Ms. Erica Allis, Senior Programme Manager, World Meteorological Organisation
*Draft targeted advocacy key messages for anticipatory action focusing on “Capturing synergies with National Meteorological and Hydrological Services & Hydro-meteorological agencies” will be introduced during the session and participants will have the opportunity to provide input before and after the event.
Come join us to recreate those informal personal interactions at coffee breaks that spark ideas and new partnerships!
Register here
19th August 2021
8am Buenos Aires | 1pm Berlin | 5pm Dhaka
(1 hour)
This mingle is co-hosted by the Anticipation Hub and the National Meteorological Service of Argentina (SMN).