An Agenda for Expanding Forecast-based Action to Situations of Conflict
Forecast-based humanitarian action enables actors to start their work before a predicted disaster strikes. This can prevent the loss of many more lives and livelihoods than purely reactive humanitarian action ever could. However, to increase the impact, anticipatory actions could be expanded to conflict situations. This working paper provides an overview of the current uses of FbA and facilitates the move toward linking it to situations of conflict. To integrate FbA in conflict contexts, this working paper proposes a set of research questions and concrete next steps for various actors.

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Tipo de contenido
Documentos académicos, Documento político
Conflicto, Temas emergentes
Tipo de organización
Instituciones académicas y de investigación, Cruz Roja Media Luna Roja
Armed Conflict, Cyclone / Typhoon / Hurricane, Extreme Rainfall, Flood