Enabling Anticipatory Action at Scale to Address the Challenge of the Climate Crisis - Policy Brief for G7 Countries
G7 countries have already been playing a key role in contributing to pooled funds which enable anticipatory action. G7 countries can continue to play a leadership role in mobilizing the financial and technical resources and encouraging the collaborations and policies that are needed to make anticipatory action a core element of the humanitarian system and an integral part of disaster risk management plans, national adaptation plans (NAPs) and nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
Key policy ask #1: G7 countries should provide funds to build anticipatory action systems.
Key policy ask #2: G7 countries should support the mainstreaming of anticipatory action approaches into national disaster risk management plans and climate change adaptation frameworks.
Fecha de publicación
marzo 11, 2022
Tipo de recurso
PDF, 202.43 KB
Anticipatory Action Task Force
Tipo de contenido
Documento político