The benefits and importance of locally led anticipatory action
This briefing, written by the Locally Led Anticipatory Action Working Group, provides examples of the benefits of locally led anticipatory action and explains its importance. It draws on evidence from existing projects, as collected by organizations that work closely with local actors and the communities who are leading and implementing anticipatory action. It also sets out the steps needed for this approach to become fully embedded across anticipatory action practice, rather than being seen as a parallel process to, or an add-on or ‘tick box’ for, existing projects.

Fecha de publicación
abril 26, 2024
Tipo de recurso
PDF, 2.84 MB
Locally Led Anticipatory Action Working Group
Bangladesh, Ecuador, Namibia, Pakistán, Perú, Sudán del Sur, Zimbabue
Tipo de contenido
Hoja informativa
Dirigido a nivel local
Tipo de organización
ONG, Cruz Roja Media Luna Roja
IFRC, Start Network, Welthungerhilfe