Flood Forecast based Action - Development of Matrix and Triggers

This document outlines the development of matrix and triggers for the Scaling-up Flood Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh (SUFAL-II) project.

Forecast Based Action or FbA mechanisms are designed to initiate early actions when pre established thresholds are met. Key to this is a predefined process for either directly initiating specific activities, or developing action plans in real time after the forecast has been issued. Throughout this process, effective coordination and urgency are crucial in order not to miss the
opportunity for early action before an impending crisis.

Forecast Based Action (FbA) Matrix relates actions with different forecast parameters. It enables ex ante actions at different forecast scenarios. It is usually an essential ingredient of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for activating end to end forecast based actions and decision making from the institutions towards the communities. The different scenarios in the FbA matrix are triggers for different actions.

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Trigger Development