Anticipating floods in Uganda: reflections from the communities
In November 2023, severe floods were forecast to affect several regions in Uganda – with a probability high enough to meet the trigger threshold in the Uganda Red Cross Society’s Early Action Protocol (EAP) for Floods. Once the EAP was activated, funds were released for a series of anticipatory actions to be carried out and reduce the expected impacts of the floods.
In July 2024, the Uganda Red Cross Society and the Anticipation Hub visited communities in Butaleja and Mbale, two of the affected districts in eastern Uganda, to hear their experiences of these anticipatory actions. This case study shares their testimonies, as well as those of Uganda Red Cross Society staff and volunteers who were involved in this activation.
Read the full case study here.
Anticipatory action ahead of floods in Uganda: community reflections from Butaleja District
In this video, community members and Red Cross volunteers in Butaleja District recall how floods have affected them over the years - and how the anticipatory actions carried out in November 2023 reduced the impacts.
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“Now, we work together as a community… now, we feel better prepared for floods.”
Anticipatory action in Uganda: how cash-for-work schemes can support communities
In this video, community members and Red Cross volunteers in Mbale District reflect on a cash-for-work scheme that was implemented ahead of the peak of the floods. They discuss how the scheme benefitted the community and themselves as individuals.
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“We started digging ditches for the water, to divert it away from our homes. After we dug them, we got some money... When I received the money, I really felt that life was coming back.”
Anticipating floods in Uganda: image gallery
A full selection of images - from the anticipatory actions carried out in November 2023, and the visits to the communities for this case study - are available here.

A flood-protection barrier built as part of the cash-for-work scheme in Manyonyi Lowe.

Community members reinforce the flood defences with sandbags.

Volunteers from the Uganda Red Cross Society help people to leave flooded areas safely.

Community members dig drainage ditches near Sironko, Mbale District, as part of the cash-for-work scheme.

Hasakya Tadeo, a Red Cross volunteer in Butaleja, next to the sandbags placed around Doho village for flood protection: “It stretches a long way down the river.”
A flood-protection barrier built as part of the cash-for-work scheme in Manyonyi Lowe.
Community members reinforce the flood defences with sandbags.
Volunteers from the Uganda Red Cross Society help people to leave flooded areas safely.
Community members dig drainage ditches near Sironko, Mbale District, as part of the cash-for-work scheme.
Hasakya Tadeo, a Red Cross volunteer in Butaleja, next to the sandbags placed around Doho village for flood protection: “It stretches a long way down the river.”
The testimonies presented in this case study were collected during a field visit in July 2024 by the Uganda Red Cross Society and the Anticipation Hub. Translations were undertaken by Francis Mukhwana Yona (Mbale District) and Phillip Obote (Butaleja District). Thanks to everyone who took the time to speak to us.
The case study was researched and written by Emmanuel Ntale and Catherine Mugisha (Uganda Red Cross Society) and Tim Woods (Anticipation Hub). Photographs by John Cliff Wamala (Uganda Red Cross Society); photos from the 2023 activations by Uganda Red Cross Society staff and volunteers.
The case study and field visit were supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Download the full case study here.