Strengthening FbF readiness and disaster preparedness in Guatemala
The Guatemalan Red Cross has been developing protocols since 2019 for volcanic ash, tropical storms and droughts. To promote institutional preparedness for the development of early actions in the country, the FbF readiness project was officially launched in November of 2020.
Project objective
The project seeks to provide extensive support to the National Society in further developing the preparedness and response system (procedures, structures, coordination and capacities) to ensure that, once a trigger does occur, the National Society can implement the early actions in the short window between a forecast and the event.
Key facts
Start/end date
May 2020–May 2022
Hazards covered
Volcanic ash | Tropical storms | Droughts
Regions covered
Tropical storms: coastal region
Droughts: dry corridor
Early action sectors
Shelter | Health | Livelihoods – livestock and agriculture | WaSH | Disaster relief response | Capacity strengthening
Anticipatory action protocols/plans in place
Under development
Population reached during activation
Up to 3,500 families
Key actors/implementing partners
The Guatemalan Red Cross Society, with support from the German Red Cross and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, works with the INSIVUMEH (meteorological institute) and other institutions from the Executive Ministry of the National Coordinator of Disaster Reduction (CONRED).
Project impressions
Guatemala Red Cross distributions for hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross assists people during hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross Assists elderly person during hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross assists population during hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross evacuating people during hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross working with CONRED another key actor © Guatemala Red Cross
Volcan de Fuego 2018 © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross distributions for hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross assists people during hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross Assists elderly person during hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross assists population during hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross evacuating people during hurricane Eta © Guatemala Red Cross
Guatemala Red Cross working with CONRED another key actor © Guatemala Red Cross
Volcan de Fuego 2018 © Guatemala Red Cross
Anticipation in practice: project description
In Guatemala, volcanic ashfall, tropical storms, and drought, combined with a highly vulnerable population, result in significant impacts across the country. To reduce the harm these events cause, the Guatemalan Red Cross is seeking more coordinated efforts and anticipation. The protocols that will be developed will assist to 3,500 families each. Some of the early actions that could be developed include:
- community awareness training
- distribution of health, WaSH and livelihood kits, according to impacts
- cash transfers to help families cover their basic needs in the face of evacuation or flood-related losses.
Outcomes and lessons learnt
As support for FbF has just begun, outcomes and lessons are still to be determined.
We believe in the strong potential that FbF readiness has - not only as a project, but as an institutional strengthening programme for the Guatemalan Red Cross.
Further information
Teresa Marroquín
Director, Disaster Risk Management Unit, Guatemalan Red Cross
Cruz Roja Guatemalteca
97 años sirviendo a Guatemala
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Humanitarian actions after Volcanic Ashfall of “Volcán de Fuego”
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