

Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world by land area. Its territory spans diverse climatic and ecological zones, from the Andes mountains to the Atlantic coast, with subtropical areas in the north and extremely cold regions in the south. As a result, diverse territories and people in Argentina are exposed to different hazards depending upon their location, including floods, storms, tornados, fires, drought, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.

There are many causes of floods in Argentina, including heavy rains, increased river flows, coastal storms, and rapid snowmelt in the mountains. Flood events cause fatalities, damage to housing and infrastructure, and other health impacts.

Disaster management in Argentina falls under the Directorate of Civil Protection. The country’s National Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2018-2023 defines policies and basic principles for public and private sector organizations to reduce the risk of disasters.


Hazard and exposure: 2.6  |  Vulnerability: 2.8  |  Lack of coping capacity: 3.5  |  Total: 2.9 (low)  |  Rank: 119


Flash floods | Riverine floods


  • Since 2019 the Argentine Red Cross Society has been working to establish FbF systems. The National Society has begun to develop a flood EAP and a feasibility study is currently underway to determine which, if any, other hazards will be addressed.

Read more about projects, resources, activations and working groups below.

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Implementing the FbF Mechanism in Argentina

In 2019, the Argentine Red Cross Society started setting up an FbF mechanism in the country. A feasibility study is in progress, alliances for action are being strengthened, and the National Society …

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Blog April 09, 2021

Fortalecimiento de la colaboración entre los Servicios Meteorológicos Nacionales y el sector humanitario para la implementación de acciones …

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Argentina se convierte en miembro de Anticipation Hub y firma un convenio con la Cruz Roja Argentina

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Blog April 09, 2021

Strengthening partnerships between National Meteorological Services and humanitarian actors to enable anticipatory action in Argentina

The Argentinian National Meteorological Service becomes a partner of the Anticipation Hub and signs an MoU with the Argentina Red Cross

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