Anticipatory Action Community Directory  

The Anticipation Hub is facilitating connections between practitioners, scientists and policymakers across the anticipatory action community from global to local levels, to support knowledge exchange, learning, guidance and advocacy around anticipatory action.    

The Anticipatory Action Community Directory below can be used to help you to identify individuals working on anticipatory action in similar regional or country contexts, on different hazards and on various thematic focus areas.  Each profile outlines what they are looking for, and what they can offer to the anticipatory action community.  

Please use this directory to connect with potential partners for collaboration and experts that can help to guide or support your work on anticipatory action.

We invite you to add your profile to the community directory!

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Annie HansField DRR Specialist

Handicap International

Based in: India Get in Contact
  • Countries India
    Sri Lanka
  • Regional focus South Asia
  • Organization type NGO / Civil Society Organisation
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
    Climate change adaptation
  • Thematic focus Capacity development/ training
    Early warning systems
    Cash/ vouchers/ cash-for-work
  • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
    Cyclone/ typhoon/ hurricane
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Training and Mentoring

What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

Available for Bilateral exchange

Antoni Ros MartinezLead, Disaster Services

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

Based in: Canada Get in Contact
  • Countries Indonesia
  • Regional focus Global
  • Organization type NGO / Civil Society Organisation
  • Field(s) of work Humanitarian response
    Climate change adaptation
  • Thematic focus GIS and mapping
  • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
    Epidemics/ Pandemics
    Volcanic ash
    Multiple hydro-met hazards
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

OSM as a key element for anticip. humanit. action. Advocacy for investment, community involv., communication, outreach & engagement in anticipation and mapping, capac. building and training expertise.

Global support to 4 regional hubs: Asia-Pacific, East & Southern Africa, West & Northern Africa, Latin America & Caribbean

View HOT website
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Share knowledge on relevant Early Action / Anticipatory Action project/initiative that is replicable and/or scalable Disaster Response: Building and strengthening relationships with partners to be actioned during a response.

Arielle Tozier de la PoterieGlobal Early Action and Research Advisor

German Red Cross, Anticipation Hub

Based in: United States Get in Contact
  • Countries Mozambique
  • Regional focus Global
    Southern Africa
    Southeastern Asia
  • Organization type Red Cross Red Crescent
  • Field(s) of work Anticipatory action
    Disaster risk reduction / disaster risk management
  • Thematic focus Capacity development/ training
    Monitoring and evaluation
  • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
    Cyclone/ typhoon/ hurricane
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

Bilateral exchange, research and monitoring and evaluation support, technical support on EAP development and the identification and selection of early actions.

View Anticipation Hub website
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

Exchange on lessons learned and research into what works and what doesn't.

Audrey OettliChild Protection in Emergencies


Based in: Switzerland Get in Contact
  • Regional focus Global
  • Organization type Red Cross Red Crescent
  • Field(s) of work Humanitarian response
  • Thematic focus Advocacy & policy
    Capacity development/ training
    Gender/ Gender-based violence
    Child protection
  • Hazard(s) Compounding/ multi-hazard
What can you offer to the anticipatory action community?

Passionate about shifting the paradigm from response to acting early, I am keen to collaborate on sharing, learning and co creating ideas to promote protective, gender transformative, and inclusive early actions, and encourage child participation and youth engagement in their development process to achieve better protection outcomes.

Keep an eye on the upcoming Working Group on Protection, Gender and Inclusion in anticipatory action.

View IFRC website
What are you looking for from the anticipatory action community?

I expect to learn from the community and look to identify, showcase and scale up promising practices on protection, gender and inclusion, especially around child protection.

Ultimately, forming a community of practice where we can exchange, develop tools, guidance and trainings to provide technical support for the development and selection of protective, gender transformative and inclusive early actions.

Do you have a question or a suggestion?

Please reach out to Marius with any questions or suggestions.

Marius Horata

Content Manager

Anticipation Hub

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