Let's talk: Women in anticipatory action – experiences from forecast-based action for floods in Bangladesh

Date & Time

Wednesday, 5th of October 2022; 10:00 - 11:00 CEST




Learn more about:

  • empowering women to enable them to actively participate in anticipatory action
  • CARE's Gender Equality Framework
  • the challenges and specific needs of women in terms of anticipatory action and ways to engage them, by listening to their voices from the communities.

 In this session, the audience will have the opportunity to engage directly with a woman community member from north-east Bangladesh. The conversation will involve:

  • Kazi Rabeya Ame, SUFAL consortium coordinator, CARE International in Bangladesh
  • Atika Khan, advocacy, policy and communication officer, CARE International in Bangladesh
  • Selina Begom, a recipient of a cash grant (voice message)
  • Katrin von der Dellen, team lead, project development and donor engagement, CARE Deutschland e.V.

The conversation will be facilitated by Dr Neysa Setiadi, Aktion Deutschland Hilft.

You can read more about the SUFAL project here.

What are Anticipation Hub community conversations? 

This webinar series aims to enable continuous connectivity, interaction and exchange between Anticipation Hub partners and the wider community of anticipatory action actors from global to local levels. The objectives are to:

  • create a structured space for the anticipatory action community to exchange new ideas and innovation
  • bridge connections between practitioners, scientists and policy-makers/government actors, especially between the global, regional, national and local levels
  • facilitate opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and exchange between actors championing anticipatory action, especially with governments
  • meet the changing needs, priorities and interests of the Anticipation Hub's partners through a flexible approach that encourages open, honest and critical discussions
  • help the community to grow by creating a welcoming and inclusive space for new actors interested in the anticipatory action agenda.

Community conversations are jointly organized by the Anticipation Hub and its partners.  

Photo: Women storing items to prepare for floods. © Asafuzzaman, CARE Bangladesh