Community conversation #18: Connecting the COP28 Peace Declaration to Anticipatory Action
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 9, 2024 11:00 AM GMT+2 - 12:00 PM GMT+2Category
One of the most significant achievements of COP28 in the United Arab Emirates was the signing of the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace (‘Peace Declaration’). Signatories commit to enhance and scale up support for climate action in situations of fragility, conflict and severe humanitarian needs, with three key objectives: 1) enhance financial support for climate adaptation and resilience; 2) understand and improve good practice and programming; and 3) strengthen coordination, collaboration and partnership.
This community conversation will discuss the relevance of the Peace Declaration for the ongoing efforts to scale up anticipatory action in fragile and conflict settings, explore new opportunities related to the Peace Declaration, and reflect on whether the AA community is prepared to capitalize on these opportunities.
- Helena de Jong, Head of Relief, Recovery, Peace - Partnerships, COP28
- Catalina Jaime, Head of Climate and Conflict, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre