Applying anticipatory action ahead of disease outbreaks and epidemics: a conceptual framework for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

This working paper contributes to building a common understanding of the concept of anticipatory action for disease outbreaks and epidemics across the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. It offers a useful synthesis of the current theory to guide National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies wishing to apply anticipatory action for epidemics. It was developed by the Red Cross Red Crescent Working Group on Anticipatory Action and Health, and the research was supported by the Norwegian Red Cross.

Publish Date

October 16, 2024

Resource Type

PDF, 840.49 KB


Tilly Alcayna, Franziska Kellerhaus and Rachel Goodermote



Content Type

Research Report


Emerging Topics, Health, Scaling up

Organization type

Red Cross Red Crescent Movement


Climate Centre (RCCC), German Red Cross, IFRC


Disease outbreak, Epidemic / Pandemic